Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Made Clear

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"The former things I declared of old; they went out from my mouth, and I announced them; then suddenly I did them and they came to pass." – Isaiah 48:3

There is a purpose to our lives, a reason for being, right? Sometimes it is difficult to see what that purpose, that reason, actually is. There are always going to be moments like that in our lives, but we can take comfort in the fact that our purpose was already laid out. Isaiah 48 is a great reminder of this. In this chapter Isaiah speaks the heart of God for His people. He cries out to them, warning them of the consequences of hurtful actions. God does the same for us. With each moment we are given, He desires to remind us of what is in our hearts; good or bad. When the time is right, our purpose, our reason for being, will be made clear. Let us ensure we are not embracing life, as the people Isaiah was speaking to did. – Commentary by Matthew Elliott

Today's Prayer

Father God, thank You for having a plan and a reason for our being. As we endeavor to live for You, help us to embrace what You would desire for us and not what we would desire for ourselves. Amen.

Empower yourselves by reading scripture every day. What a difference it will make in your life.

Take care everyone,

109 East 17th Street, Ste 63
Cheyenne, WY 82001
109 E. 17th St, 63 Cheyenne, WY 82001

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

When You’re Angry at God

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"Why, O Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?" - Psalm 10:1

There are times in many people's lives when tragedy, hardship, or seeing the evil in the world, causes anger. Sometimes, that anger gets turned on God. "How could He allow this? If He's so good, why do these things happen?" Honestly, I don't think expressing this anger to God is a bad thing. God is truth and He doesn't faults us when we are honest about our feelings. King David in the Bible often brought his complaints to God. In fact, many of them became scripture; such as what we see in the Psalms. So, the next time you feel angry about something that has happened, bring it to God. He can handle your anger! It's better when we give it to God, because He listens and He cares. He can replace your anger with peace. – Commentary by Traci Elliott

Today's Prayer

Thank You, Father, for hearing us even when we don't understand, and we turn our anger toward You. Help us to let You replace our anger with Your peace. Amen.

Often times we pray for a miracle, not expecting it to come true. However, this wasn't the case with Mike, Kerry and their son Dylan dying of cancer. You've got to see this truly remarkable story. Click the link below.

Take Care,

After Baptizing Their Son Parent's Had Life Support Shut Off & Got A Miracle!

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109 East 17th Street, Ste 63
Cheyenne, WY 82001
109 E. 17th St, 63 Cheyenne, WY 82001