Monday, February 27, 2017

According to God’s Will

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"Remember the word that you commanded your servant Moses, 'If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the peoples; but if you return to me and keep my commandments and do them, though your outcasts are under the farthest skies, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place at which I have chosen to establish my name.'" Nehemiah 1:8-9

This was part of Nehemiah's prayer for his people after he received the news about the broken walls of Jerusalem. He said to God "Remember the word that you commanded your servant Moses." Nehemiah was not reminding God of His command, but he acknowledged God's word and wanted to submit to God's conditions so that his petitions would be granted. Nehemiah displayed a perfect example on how to pray. When we pray, we should acknowledge God's terms and conditions and submit to them. This reminds us that prayer is not just asking God what we want, but at the same time it is seeking God's will and it is God's will that should be done. So let us pray according to His terms. - Commentary by: Jeremy B. Trio

Today's Prayer

Lord, help me to seek and completely submit to Your will as I deliver my petitions to Your feet. May my desires and Your will be perfectly aligned together. May Your will be done, Lord. Amen.

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Have a great day!

The Gospel Daily
109 E. 17th St, Suite 430 Cheyenne, WY 82001

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Empower Your Life

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"For this reason, since the day we heard it, we have not ceased praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of God's will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God." – Colossians 1:9-10

God has made known to each of us His love and it is that love that motivates Paul to write the letter of Colossians. Epaphras, a man who worked with Paul, journeyed to Colossae to share the message of Christ's love and to build a church founded in that love. Somehow both Epaphras and Paul found themselves imprisoned in Rome. Epaphras shared his story. Upon hearing of the love the Colossian people had for God, Paul was compelled to write to them. It is this letter that we read in scripture today. Just as Paul was inspired by the testimony Epaphras shared, we should be inspired by the message Paul shares with the Colossian people.This message of love empowers us to seek the spiritual wisdom Paul prayed over the Colossians and to lead lives worthy of the Lord. - Commentary by: Matthew J. Elliott

Today's Prayer

Father God, show us what we can learn from the Colossian church and empower us to apply it to our lives. As we endeavor to lead lives worthy of You, give us guidance and help us understand this love more. Amen.

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The Gospel Daily
109 E. 17th St, Suite 430 Cheyenne, WY 82001

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Get Your Gospel Daily

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"And they ate and were well filled, for He gave them what they craved." Psalm 78:29

You get up every morning and grab a cup of coffee, no breakfast, rush the kids to school, fight traffic, just to get to work five minutes late. At the end of the day, you get off work, fight traffic home, make dinner, clean up, and muster your last ounce of energy to throw yourself into bed, just so that you can do it all again the next day. How often do you disconnect? As we go through our day it is important that we acknowledge God frequently. It is in these times that we spend with God, that we are fed and truly satisfied. When He led Israel out of Egypt, they had nothing, including no food. But God provided Manna from heaven every morning and "they ate and were satisfied."Just like the Israelites we need to seek God daily, rise early, and receive His word. What I have discovered is that just as your body becomes tired and weary so does your spirit which is your life force and the fuel for all you accomplish. Spend time with God every morning and see the difference He makes. - Commentary by Mike Ramos

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, draw me closer to You today and every day. Help me to rise early hungry for You! Father feed me with Your word that I might be satisfied and overflowing with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Don't forget to check us out on Patreon. Help support our global ministry and you will receive our emails seven days a week, instead of the usual five. There are gifts and rewards too, so what are you waiting for?

Take care everyone and enjoy your weekend.

The Gospel Daily
109 E. 17th St, Suite 430 Cheyenne, WY 82001

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

When Your Heart is Overwhelmed

Gospel Template

Today's Verse

"From the end of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I."- Psalm 61:2

Are you feeling overwhelmed right now? Take comfort in the word of God and rest fully in Him. I have been feeling overwhelmed lately and despite my best intentions and despite the fact that God has always taken care of me and my family, it is hard to have faith in Him at times. I just want to give up or worry when something out of my control comes up. However, this verse reminds me that even though my heart is ready to give up, there is a firm foundation that is higher than me and it cannot be moved. Lean on the rock that is higher than all the difficulties you are facing right now, for He is faithful! Even if you feel like you're falling apart, just rest in the strength of Jesus. He will never crumble. - Commentary by: Traci Elliott

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your grace through times of trial. Help us to rest in Your strength and comfort us when we feel overwhelmed. In Jesus name, Amen.

Baby Archer gets hearing aids. If you don't do anything else today, please watch this video and see this precious little guy. You will  be so glad you did. It will definitely put a smile on your face.

Have a blessed day.

Baby's Getting To Hear Mom & Dad For The 1st Time And It's So Precious. Must See!

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The Gospel Daily
109 E. 17th St, Suite 430 Cheyenne, WY 82001