Monday, July 10, 2017

Our Words and Actions

Today's Verse

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom." - James 3:13

Actions speak louder than words, the old saying goes. In this section of scripture James is writing about the power of the tongue. A small member, he says, but with immense power. The width and breadth of our incredibly rich and varied languages is one of humanity's defining characteristics. With only a few choice words we can lift the spirits of co-workers having a rough day, or utterly demoralize a friend who is having a great day. Words can pull people out of pits of despair or plunge them into one. This verse reminds us to be consistent with our words and our actions. When we walk through the office all day oozing kindness and gentleness in the name of Christ, then gossip and malign our bosses in the breakroom we leave people confused. When we're inconsistent, people will question our motives and won't trust us. Then, when we claim to follow Christ, they won't understand what that means. James exhorts us here, to not just say that we follow Jesus with our words, but to show it with a consistent life. Let's be sure our actions match our words. - Commentary by Stephen Proctor

Today's Prayer

Lord, as we go through our day, help us captivate our own minds and direct our thoughts, so that our actions line up with our words. We want to be people who seek Your wisdom so that by our lives there can be no question about our allegiance to You. Amen.

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God bless,







The Gospel Daily
109 E. 17th St, Suite 430 Cheyenne, WY 82001

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